Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Friday, December 7, 2007

Earning his Keep

Untitled from songwyser on Vimeo.

Now if he'd only move on from that one spot.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Good Morning

It's 8:15, and I'm up. I don't know why, considering Nolan is still SLEEPING!!! At 8:15???!!!! Of course, I got up at 7:30, confused, wondering why Nolan wasn't up, convinced he had choked on his pacifier overnight. But no, he's just a sleeping, sweet sweet little boy.

Dear Nolan: Please keep this up everyday forever and ever. kthnxbye.
Love, Mama

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Eagle Has Landed

Step 1: Learn to walk
We're halfway there.....MWAH HA HA HA HA!!!!

Untitled from songwyser on Vimeo.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


...haircut for the boy this past saturday! he wasn't happy about it, but he held it together pretty well until the razor came out. that's when the tears started rolling. but he survived, and is none the worse for wear. move over tom brady, we've got a little GQ baby on our hands now :)

some "before" pictures (though i'm not sure they capture the true glory of the shaginess that was his hair--all he needed was a hacky sack tucked into his back pocket and he'd have been ready for the phish reunion concert):

a shot at the "salon":

not a happy camper

and after:

and of course, the obligatory "red chair" shots:

bonus video:

First! from songwyser on Vimeo.

in other news, brian builds things:

Untitled from songwyser on Vimeo.

walking eta: who the hell knows? i'm hoping for a "first steps" post soon, but the kid crawls FAST and seems pretty content to continue using that mode of transport. but when he finally does take those steps, rest assured that i'll be documenting every. waking. second. of it.

p.s. for you phish fans: ha ha, in your DREAMS!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Tricks and Treats for Everyone!!!

For Halloween, we were supposed to go to SF to hang with Nolan's FBFF (future best friend for-EVAH!) Oscar, but our plans were cancelled due to some very incompetent DirecTV employees (seriously? it takes 2 people 3 hours to install???). Nevertheless, Nolan got dressed up in the spirit of the holiday and greeted kids at the door with a bowl of 'safety tested' candy--e.g. Nolan licked most of the wrappers. We gave kids both a trick AND a treat! We're full service around here, baby. And for our Halloween treat, Brian and I got an HD DVR! Almost better than candy.

The boy rocked two costumes this year, partially making up for the fact the neither his father nor I ever dress up. He looked adorable, as was expected. See for yourself:

In case you were wondering: Yes, he is indeed happy to see you, but that really is just a banana in his pocket.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Monday, October 1, 2007

Summer Vacation

Back from vacation. Boo.
Here's a quick video of Nolan's first wipeout at the beach. Lots of pictures to come later.

Untitled from songwyser on Vimeo.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Go Nolan!

It's your birthday!
Happy first, kiddo! Even though you woke up with a fever, you still managed to ham it up for the camera:

Thank you for giving me the most rewarding year of my life. You're truly the best and I'll always love your more than you'll ever know.

Also, Arrrr! Lucky you gets to share your birthday with this totally awesome holiday. I see many pirate-themed birthday parties in your future! You're welcome, Nolan.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Sunday, August 26, 2007

for the grandmas...

...because they're the only ones i know that will appreciate (arguably) mundane videos like this one.

Untitled from songwyser and Vimeo.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

picture post! aka too lazy to write!

alright, i'll write something. let's see...nolan's still awesome and getting cuter everyday. he takes baths in the big tub now, as evidenced in the photos. he crawls like crazy and is pretty fast. now that he's mobile, he stalks the kitties, although they're still faster and can get away pretty easily. rocco is surprisingly tolerant of nolan and will sometimes let nolan get close and nolan will gently butt his head against rocco. so adorable. he's also babbling a lot more, saying "mamamamama" and "dadadada" a lot, though i'm fairly certain he's not associating those words to either of us yet. he LOVES crawling through tunnels at gymboree, which is cool because apparently a lot of babies are afraid to (nolan rocks! other babies suck!) aaannd....he's just the best baby ever! the end.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

you've come a long way baby!

I can't believe he's almost a whole year old...he's sure come a long way.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Tooth the Third (Fourth and Fifth)

Nolan's third tooth finally made it's debut last week, months after the first two arrived. Not to be outdone, it's neighbors, teeth four and five decided to show up this week almost simultaneously. And boy, has that been fun! I can only guess that it must be pretty painful because, though he's been happy during the day, he hasn't been himself at night at all, much to my joy. He's up at midnight, then at 2 , then again at 4:45...it's a flashback to his newborn weeks all over again, except it's not just a simple feeding that will get him back to sleep. I gotta rock and sing and rock and sing. I feel really bad for Nolan because I can tell that he's just so uncomfortable and can't get back to sleep--but people? I'm tired. So tired. It's a good thing I work from home now since I can roll into my "office" unshowered and in my PJs.

But look:

This rejuvenates me better than all the coffee in the world could.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Hi! What's up with you? Lots going on here. Nolan's grandparents, who shall be known as Mimi and Papa, are visiting this weekend from Massachussetts, and we're all having lots of fun. We all went to Gymboree today (the class, not the store) and Nolan showed off by crawling all over the place. What's that? Oh, yes. Yes, he's crawling now, and also pulling up to standing, and will probably start cruising all over the place, and oh my hell we're in for it now. Video proof, you say? It shall be up shortly (because, it's me and I can't help myself), but not today. Today I have pictures for you. Because what good is it to have 8,346 pictures, of one baby Nolan if I don't share some with you?

Heeeeyyy, why are you upside down, Dad?

Nolan's boudoir shot. Rawwrrr!

Nap? I don't need no stinkin' nap!

Check it, yo!

The beginning of the end

The best part of Mimi and Papa Wyser's visit? Papa (also known as "Dad" or "Chip") is cleaning and fixin' up the hot tub as I write. Hell to the Yes!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

9 Month Update

It seems that behind our backs, Nolan's been turning into a hefty little guy. Weighing in at a cool 20 pounds (4 ounces) and 29.5 inches tall, he's quite the handsome boy at 9 months old (exactly! today!).
Nolan spent the day home with his Daddy, since he's been running a slight fever the past couple days, and Brian, not content to let the little guy rest, has taught him a few tricks. Witness:

new tricks up my sleeve from songwyser on Vimeo

Also, can you tell? I love me some video action. It sure makes creating blog posts hella* easy!

*Please note my sarcasm in using the word "hella." I hate it, but if we stay in the Bay area for the long haul, "hella" may become a regular part of Nolan's vernacular. Thus, I'm trying to get used to it now. Damn kids and their slang.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Nolan 2.0

The new and improved version has now arrived: It's Nolan 2.0! He isn't crawling yet, but he's able to effectively drag himself around on his tummy using his arms--almost the army crawl.
Here are a couple videos of Nolan in action.
First, a showcase of the amazing (to Brian and me, at least) mobile baby:

look at me! i can come to you now! from della wyser on Vimeo

And also, Nolan's awesome yoga moves:

shenanigans from della wyser on Vimeo

Friday, May 25, 2007

Not Much to Say....

But so many pictures to post.

Nolan-san considers painting the fence.

In non-baby news (well, human baby), the over-protective cat-parent in us have decided to relax a bit, and we've allowed the kitties to venture out in the backyard.

Rocco stays close to home and never leaves the deck.

Charley, on the other hand:

We'll have to keep our eye on that one.

We're off to Big Brea for next week. It'll be Nolan's first time on a plane! A nice, short, 1 1/2 hour flight. Babysteps...Keep your fingers crossed for an uneventful flight.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Let's Get Physical

Nolan's been getting a bit paunchy around the gut*, so we decided to get him a gym membership…at Gymboree! He’s gone a couple weekends now, and the verdict is: He loves it! There are about 5-6 other babies there, all around his age, and while they’re still too young to actually play together at this point, they all seem to like staring at one other. I think watching the other babies crawling encourages Nolan to try to move around more, too (because as of now, he’s still pretty content to sit and wait until Mommy or Daddy hand him the toy he wants…we’re guilty as charged).

And another video:

One more:

Fun fact: It appears that Nolan has inherited his rotund belly from his father who, I’ve been told, used to be nicknamed “Beanbag” because of his. I think we have a Beanbag Jr. on our hands…

*I LOVE this paunchy belly. It’s deliciously munchable.
**Brian got me a nice point-and-shoot digital camera for my birthday that also has video capability, which means, more Nolan fun for all of you!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

We're Back!

Hey! Long time no see...It's been a couple months since the last post. Sorry! I guess that the 3 people who actually came to this blog will never come again due to the lack of updates. Whatever!
Here's an easy post: A Video! Brian got me a new camera for my birthday, so here's a dumb video I made of Nolan eating. Enjoy! Oh, and I'll try to post more often. ("TRY" is the operative word here...) (And, uh, what's with the excessive exclamation points? I must be trying to mask my sheepishness at being such a lame, blogging poseur. Okay?!)

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Nolan and the Big Red Chair

Before Nolan was born, when I had time to read magazines leisurely, I read somewhere an idea where you take pictures of children in the same spot as they grow, to see the progression as they get older. Great idea, right? And we bought a big, red rocking chair that I thought would be a perfect spot. As you can see, in the early pictures (I started at 1 month, I think) I had to prop him up and run back and take a quick shot before he toppled over. Of course, now that he's got some muscle control, he won't just sit back and let me take a picture easily. He has to learn forward (Look at me! I can control my movements somewhat! Finally!) and...topple over. It'll be a real trip to see him sit there when he's full grown--if the blasted cats don't destroy the chair before then.

P.S. If you click on the picture, you can see a slideshow of Nolan in the chair...I don't know why it won't work within the blog. And I worked so hard to create it! Damn Blogger to hell!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Too tired...

...cannot compose properly sentence. But here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure. I know, the cutest baby ever, right?

That's all for today, folks. Now I need to get my mind into a Zen space for packing. Ugh.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Perils of Raising Baby

Isn't this just the picture of Father/Son happiness? It's too bad I didn't capture what happened seconds after these photos were taken. It involved projectile spit up and Brian's beard...let's just say that Bri's lucky he has good reflexes, or he would've had a helping of sour milk (gross is right!).

In other household news:

Rocco is still a fat bastard. (But really, I think he's just big boned.)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Nolan ♥ Kitties

Nolan and Charley engage in a "cutest tummy" contest.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Don't bother me, Mama!

Life is so tough for Nolan. The drooling, the pooping, the multiple minutes of tummy time logged...it takes a lot out of the guy.

4 months old...already???

Nolan had his 4 month checkup today, complete with 4 more vaccinations (2 in each thigh again). What a trooper. He checked out perfectly and seems to have been growing steadily. His new stats are:
Weight: 15 lbs. (50th percentile)
Height: 26.5 inches (90th)
Head: 43.3 cm (75th)
Woo! Go baby! Clearly, he doesn't get his height from the Song side of the family.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Nolan Enters the Blogosphere

Hello Family and Friends! I've finally given in to public demand and started a blog on All Things Nolan Wyser. If you've ever wondered, Has Nolan pooped yet today? Or, Were his last burps wet or dry? Well, then, this site is for you!

This is where you'll find pictures and video (if I can figure it out) of the little man himself, so that you, too, can track his every waking snort, raspberry, and giggle. Exciting, isn't it? And, maybe, I'll occasionally bore you with stories about life here in the Wyser household, starring myself, Brian, Charley the Black Cat, Rocco the (in some people's eyes) Fat Cat, and of course Nolan--the bomb-diggity baby. Hope you all like it!