Monday, July 23, 2007

Tooth the Third (Fourth and Fifth)

Nolan's third tooth finally made it's debut last week, months after the first two arrived. Not to be outdone, it's neighbors, teeth four and five decided to show up this week almost simultaneously. And boy, has that been fun! I can only guess that it must be pretty painful because, though he's been happy during the day, he hasn't been himself at night at all, much to my joy. He's up at midnight, then at 2 , then again at's a flashback to his newborn weeks all over again, except it's not just a simple feeding that will get him back to sleep. I gotta rock and sing and rock and sing. I feel really bad for Nolan because I can tell that he's just so uncomfortable and can't get back to sleep--but people? I'm tired. So tired. It's a good thing I work from home now since I can roll into my "office" unshowered and in my PJs.

But look:

This rejuvenates me better than all the coffee in the world could.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Hi! What's up with you? Lots going on here. Nolan's grandparents, who shall be known as Mimi and Papa, are visiting this weekend from Massachussetts, and we're all having lots of fun. We all went to Gymboree today (the class, not the store) and Nolan showed off by crawling all over the place. What's that? Oh, yes. Yes, he's crawling now, and also pulling up to standing, and will probably start cruising all over the place, and oh my hell we're in for it now. Video proof, you say? It shall be up shortly (because, it's me and I can't help myself), but not today. Today I have pictures for you. Because what good is it to have 8,346 pictures, of one baby Nolan if I don't share some with you?

Heeeeyyy, why are you upside down, Dad?

Nolan's boudoir shot. Rawwrrr!

Nap? I don't need no stinkin' nap!

Check it, yo!

The beginning of the end

The best part of Mimi and Papa Wyser's visit? Papa (also known as "Dad" or "Chip") is cleaning and fixin' up the hot tub as I write. Hell to the Yes!!