Tuesday, June 19, 2007

9 Month Update

It seems that behind our backs, Nolan's been turning into a hefty little guy. Weighing in at a cool 20 pounds (4 ounces) and 29.5 inches tall, he's quite the handsome boy at 9 months old (exactly! today!).
Nolan spent the day home with his Daddy, since he's been running a slight fever the past couple days, and Brian, not content to let the little guy rest, has taught him a few tricks. Witness:

new tricks up my sleeve from songwyser on Vimeo

Also, can you tell? I love me some video action. It sure makes creating blog posts hella* easy!

*Please note my sarcasm in using the word "hella." I hate it, but if we stay in the Bay area for the long haul, "hella" may become a regular part of Nolan's vernacular. Thus, I'm trying to get used to it now. Damn kids and their slang.

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