Sunday, November 11, 2007


...haircut for the boy this past saturday! he wasn't happy about it, but he held it together pretty well until the razor came out. that's when the tears started rolling. but he survived, and is none the worse for wear. move over tom brady, we've got a little GQ baby on our hands now :)

some "before" pictures (though i'm not sure they capture the true glory of the shaginess that was his hair--all he needed was a hacky sack tucked into his back pocket and he'd have been ready for the phish reunion concert):

a shot at the "salon":

not a happy camper

and after:

and of course, the obligatory "red chair" shots:

bonus video:

First! from songwyser on Vimeo.

in other news, brian builds things:

Untitled from songwyser on Vimeo.

walking eta: who the hell knows? i'm hoping for a "first steps" post soon, but the kid crawls FAST and seems pretty content to continue using that mode of transport. but when he finally does take those steps, rest assured that i'll be documenting every. waking. second. of it.

p.s. for you phish fans: ha ha, in your DREAMS!

1 comment:

Pochat said...


yes Brian, you should've been an engineer!! actually... better not because the animation world needs you!
