Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Auld Lang Syne

I realized that I hadn't posted anything at all in December, so I'm getting this in last minute. We just came back from spending Christmas in Socal with the Song side of the family and Nolan had a blast playing with his cousins M and D.

Nolan is sick with some stomach virus right now, so I'll post more pictures and write more later. For now:

Happy New Year, everyone! Here's to 2009 being as awesome as 2008!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

3 Videos

Video #1
There's nothing Nolan loves more than seeing himself on the television, so Brian set up the camera so he could watch himself, live-action style. Here he is, dancing, and trying to fake the camera out:

Video #2
Here's the boy blowing an excessive amount of kisses:

Video #3
Evidence of his diva-like behavior:

3 Pictures

Apropos of nothing, here are three shots:

Nolan models "Th-Uggs"--thigh-high Uggs for toddlers.

"Got my glasses, keys...heading out."

Festivus for the rest of us: Nolan performs feats of strength.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


...are doin' it for themselves!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Scenes From Florida, Part III: Beach Edition

One of the things I'll remember most about our Florida trip is our day at the beach. It was a gorgeous beach--a private beach for the members of the community that Nolan's Mimi and Papa belong to. The sand was white, the water warm...probably what most Gulf Coast beaches look like in Florida, but unlike any I've encountered on California's Pacific coast. There were shells all over the place, shells the little girl in me couldn't help but sift through and gather to take with me. Of course, Nolan couldn't have cared less about them--boys *sigh*! Consequently, now that I've brought them back home, I'm not quite sure what to do with them...too pretty to throw away, and they're the best kind of souvenir (free!), but I'm not sure I've got enough design sensibility to show them off in the appropriate way. Anyhoo...


This beach was on an island and required a short boat ride to get there. Score! Check that one off of Nolan's life to-do list (what, isn't "boat ride to private beach" on everyone's to-do list?)

I also became enamored with the clouds in Florida while I was there. Because the clouds? So fluffy! So perfect! And yes! They do taste just like cotton candy!

Mimi and Papa in their natural habitat--a boat. (GO OBAMA! WOO!)

There were beach chairs and umbrellas there for our use. Livin' large....also, CLOUDS! I LUV U!!!

Nolan and Brian on the pathway back to the boat. A good time was had by all. Also, did I mention the clouds? OMG I LOVES U MARRY ME!!!!

HCW, Uncle C, and Papa look yonder on the boat ride home. Sidenote: We saw dolphins swimming in our wake on the way there! It was very cool--dolphins are so cute and cuddly...well, maybe more slimy than cuddly. But, seriously, who doesn't love dolphins? I don't think anyone. (GO OBAMA! WOO!)

One more shot of the lovely beach for good measure. I think that's Papa strolling out there in the white t-shirt, with Uncle C and HCW playing in the water just beyond him. The waves (the few that rolled in) were very small, so everyone, including Nolan, was able to swim with the fishies. Word has it that the fish there like to snack on moles on your back--oh yes, you read that right--but that's a story for Uncle C to tell *shudder*

Papa, looking dapper at the bow of the boat. HE'S THE KING OF THE WO....alright, I won't go there. Admit it, though, everyone thinks it at the front of any boat. Don't try to deny it. (nom nom nom CLOUDS) (GO OBAMA! WOOOO!)

And last, but not least, a video. At one point, Nolan was rolling around on the shore like he was Tyra at a Sports Illustrated cover shoot. But of course, as soon as we grabbed the camera, he stopped. Anyway, here's the resulting (boring) video:

It was a perfect end to a lovely trip. I hope we'll be able to visit again, and often, so that Nolan can have happy memories of spending time with his family there. THANK YOU MIMI AND PAPA!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

This year, we were lucky enough to be invited to a Halloween party at our friends, the Danzigs, house. They have two kids, and their second, daughter M, had the same due date as Nolan and are weeks apart in age. There were a gaggle of children running about their house, and when they all went trick or treating, we went along. Nolan didn't quite understand what was going on, but because there were so many kids in our group, he just followed and scored some candy. And where's that candy all going to go? IN MAH BELLY, of course. (Nolan doesn't yet know what candy is, so if he's not asking for it, I ain't givin' it!)

Have a look-see at the photos....

Dressed as Johnny from Karate Kid.

Halloween or rave?

Trick or treating, action shot.

Glowstick action.

Don't mess with this gang of toddlers. They will cut you for candy.

We only accept candy from Obama-friendly homes.

The Drukers were also there with the ever-adorable Oscar. Though I wasn't able to get any good photos of him myself, I'm sure you'll be able to find photos here. He had the sweetest Dino costume hand-made by his Grandma Laura. Mimi and Halmoni? The pressure is on ladies. Halloween 2009 is only a short 364 days away....

Next up: Scenes from Florida, Part III: Beach Edition

Friday, October 24, 2008

Scenes From Florida, Part II

HCW, Uncle Chris, and Nolan go swimming. And the pool was right outside our door!

In the pool with the Wyser brothers.

Color time!

Geckos were all over the place in Florida.

I hang with the kids.

Nolan the photographer "shoots" Uncle Chris (Nolan's finger makes an appearance--an artistic decision on the photographer's part).

Tree behind the lanai bursting with coconuts.

Bedtime with Mimi and Daddy (aka Uncle Brian).

Thursday, October 23, 2008

1, 2, 3, 4......

(FYI, he isn't standing on a ledge. We're at the airport and there's a window behind him.)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Scenes From Florida, Part I

Nolan's cousin (henceforth known as HCW) plays Wii Boxing, while Nolan looks on and "helps."
More tk later....

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Scooters, Trains, and...More Trains!

We didn't have a party for Nolan's birthday this year, but he got some sweet gifts out of turning 2. From his Mimi and Papa he received a scooter--and just in time because he's always on the verge of making off with some other kids' scooters at every playground we visit.
Check out his sick skillz, yo:

What were you expecting? He's two.

And some photos:

Nolan wasn't really into the cake I bought him. What? What 2-year-old doesn't love a Tres Leches cake topped with delicious raspberries and blueberries? Okay, fine. Next year and every year thereafter he'll get some Disney-character-shaped cake or one topped with plastic crap. Whatevs!

Curiosity is piqued by the strange ritual of lighting the cake and songs being sung.

Train set from Halmoni and Halabojee.


Monday, September 22, 2008


IMG_5591, originally uploaded by songwyser.

Who is this big boy? Nolan turned 2 last Friday, woo hoo!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

In Which Nolan Expounds Upon Iambic Pentameter and the English Sonnet Style

Yeah right. Surprise! It's really another dance video! Seriously, should I rename this "Nolan's Dance Blog" or what? I'm sure nobody thinks it's as adorable as Brian and I do, but it's my blog and I'll do what I want.

This is from a wedding we went to last weekend at a place called Costanoa. It was a lovely trip, and I'll share pictures from that weekend shortly.

Without further ado:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Yet Another...

What can I say? The kid likes to dance. And he's expanded his repertoire; i.e., his feet leave the ground. His choice of music is still suspect, though.

Monday, September 1, 2008

1 Nolan + 1 camera =

...self portrait madness. I believe the use of a flash and over exposure was an artistic decision. What a creative little one.

Monday, August 25, 2008

San Mateo County (not so) Fair

Last weekend, we went to the San Mateo County Fair. We saw turkeys and sheep and goats, oh my! (And some other animals...yay.)
Also, the ferris wheel:

Don't know why, but I had high expectations for this fair. Too high. The animals were fun, but overall, it was just "eh" for all of us.

Sadly, we missed Weird Al and the Village People. Maybe next year.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


cheese!!, originally uploaded by songwyser.

Check out the farmer's tan! Cheesey ham-it-up-for-the-camera smile, too.

Diptych: Bubbles

Ready to Rock?

Nolan got this rocking horse for his first birthday, but he hadn't really been able to rock or bounce until a few months ago. Now he's a pro:

Getting the rhythm of bouncing seems a bit more difficult, but Nolan tries, and does it hands free nonetheless. Daredevil in the making? Ugh.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

Videos Aplenty

As Nolan edges closer to 2, it's been kind of hard to get any decent photos of him. He's constantly moving, so most of our shots come out blurry. Although, that could also be because I lack any real skills of a photographer, but I digress. Anyway, I've been taking tons of videos of the boy instead. So look forward to a lot more videos to come....

First up is one of him watching TV. Sounds exciting, no? There is more to it than that. There's this show that he likes (and that Brian and I don't mind, either) called Yo Gabba Gabba. In one episode, they tell the kids watching to hold still, then "wiggle, wiggle, wiggle." Check out Nolan joining in on the action:

Untitled from songwyser on Vimeo.

Fun Fact #1 (as evidenced at the end of the video): Nolan's favorite word is "NO!!" sometimes elongated to "No waaaaaaaaay!" Fun times for all of us.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dancing Machine

Nolan likes to break out some moves from time to time:

Untitled from songwyser on Vimeo.


From the boy's weekend without Mama.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far

Happy Father's Day, Brian!!

Where Nolan gets his adorable "beer belly" from:

I couldn't resist--a few more gems from Brian's childhood:

Thursday, June 12, 2008