Thursday, August 16, 2007

picture post! aka too lazy to write!

alright, i'll write something. let's see...nolan's still awesome and getting cuter everyday. he takes baths in the big tub now, as evidenced in the photos. he crawls like crazy and is pretty fast. now that he's mobile, he stalks the kitties, although they're still faster and can get away pretty easily. rocco is surprisingly tolerant of nolan and will sometimes let nolan get close and nolan will gently butt his head against rocco. so adorable. he's also babbling a lot more, saying "mamamamama" and "dadadada" a lot, though i'm fairly certain he's not associating those words to either of us yet. he LOVES crawling through tunnels at gymboree, which is cool because apparently a lot of babies are afraid to (nolan rocks! other babies suck!) aaannd....he's just the best baby ever! the end.

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