Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Attack of the (almost) 3 Foot Monster*

It's been awhile since I've actually written anything about the dear old boy, and I'm not in the mood to write anything now,'s a video to tide y'all over.

Untitled from songwyser on Vimeo.

Oh all right, if you're gonna beg, here's one more of him chatting on the phone:

Untitled from songwyser on Vimeo.

Riveting stuff, I tell ya...

*cutest monster you ever did see! also, i mean 3 feet in height--nolan hasn't grown a third foot. although, how cool would a tripedal toddler be?

1 comment:

Marquita said...

OMG i love how he's chatting on the phone! I'm going to call him to talk 'cause he sounds like he has a lot to say.