Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Little Patriot

His skills need a little work, but he's got a lot of heart.

Little Patriot from songwyser on Vimeo.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Last month, we were lucky enough to be invited to Tahoe by our friends the Drukers. We stayed at the home of Josh's cool boss, gratis, and it was quite a sweet home at that. The dudes got to ski (Brian)/snowboard (Josh) at Squaw one day, and the ladies got a spa day massage on another. Oscar and Nolan chilled at the house, which was already equipped with age-appropriate toys, and the best toy of all: Snow!

Anyway, here are some pictures from that weekend (also, even though the pictures will show you otherwise, we did more than just scooter around that weekend). Enjoy!

Ever since I got the Flip camera for Christmas, I've kind of neglected the photos we've been taking. I finally uploaded the recent pictures from the camera and realized that I'd completely forgotten about the shots we took when Nolan's Mimi and Papa visited way back in January. We took a trip to the deYoung museum with Oscar and friends, and here are some pictures from that trip:

Next up: Tahoe pictures!