Monday, March 31, 2008

Tickle Me Nolan

Nolan gets a good tickling and keeps coming back for more....

Untitled from songwyser on Vimeo.

Friday, March 28, 2008


Already?? It's the end of March and I haven't posted a thing! A lot has happened...Nolan's Mimi visited, we took a quick trip to Tahoe with the Drukers, and Nolan turned 18 months! He's such a little nut now, running around the house like a little psycho, babbling like crazy, and the real fun stuff for us--tantrums! When he's really upset, he really let's us know. Stomps his little feet, rolls around the ground, kicks, not to mention the whining and crying. Thankfully, he's only behaved this way at home so far, and I'm hoping it stays this way. He's talking a lot now, too, though he only has a few discernible words amongst all the babble. Things like "Rocco," "Charley," "shoooz," "all done!" You know. The real important stuff.