In non-baby news (well, human baby), the over-protective cat-parent in us have decided to relax a bit, and we've allowed the kitties to venture out in the backyard.
Rocco stays close to home and never leaves the deck.
Charley, on the other hand:
We'll have to keep our eye on that one.
We're off to Big Brea for next week. It'll be Nolan's first time on a plane! A nice, short, 1 1/2 hour flight. Babysteps...Keep your fingers crossed for an uneventful flight.
Nolan's been getting a bit paunchy around the gut*, so we decided to get him a gym membership…at Gymboree! He’s gone a couple weekends now, and the verdict is: He loves it! There are about 5-6 other babies there, all around his age, and while they’re still too young to actually play together at this point, they all seem to like staring at one other. I think watching the other babies crawling encourages Nolan to try to move around more, too (because as of now, he’s still pretty content to sit and wait until Mommy or Daddy hand him the toy he wants…we’re guilty as charged). Observe**:
And another video:
One more:
Fun fact: It appears that Nolan has inherited his rotund belly from his father who, I’ve been told, used to be nicknamed “Beanbag” because of his. I think we have a Beanbag Jr. on our hands…
*I LOVE this paunchy belly. It’s deliciously munchable. **Brian got me a nice point-and-shoot digital camera for my birthday that also has video capability, which means, more Nolan fun for all of you!
Hey! Long time no see...It's been a couple months since the last post. Sorry! I guess that the 3 people who actually came to this blog will never come again due to the lack of updates. Whatever! Here's an easy post: A Video! Brian got me a new camera for my birthday, so here's a dumb video I made of Nolan eating. Enjoy! Oh, and I'll try to post more often. ("TRY" is the operative word here...) (And, uh, what's with the excessive exclamation points? I must be trying to mask my sheepishness at being such a lame, blogging poseur. Okay?!)